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                2023-04-23 18:36:00留言者:Clarke
                留言:[ChatGPT Gained over 100 million customers within a month… Even tech giant Google launched their own AI Chatbot called Bard… Because they understand that AI is the future, and there is no going back… But here is the thing… Launching your own ChatBot is not an easy task… It’s a very techy task, and it requires a lot of work and dedication… But what if there is a way to launch your very own chatGPT-like bot In less than 30 seconds? Sounds good, huh? It comes equipped with over 50 mind-blowing features that will stun you and your customers Write, research, and proofread any text you want with 1 click Generate AI-based designs with zero technical skills Translate to over 55 different language Generate Stunning videos without any video editing Sell access to your chatbot and keep 100% of the profit If that sounds like music to your ears… Then you’re in luck, because BrainBox is just launched And you can secure your Earlybird discount by clicking here: https://bit.ly/40E8f8b Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your online business with BrainBox. https://bit.ly/40E8f8b Try it now! Best regards, Scott]
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                2020-04-13 11:47:00留言者:Culpin
                留言:[Hello , I'm sure you already know how important it is to have a list... And there are a bunch of autoresponders already on the market to choose from... BUT they have all gotten complacent and are going the way of the dinosaurs! Why? It's because you need to meet your customers where THEY are by using the 3 Most Powerful Platforms on the planet! 1. Email 2. Facebook Messenger (using chatbots) 3. Web Push Notifications When you combine these 3 powerful communication services into your list building your ROI goes through the Roof! Check Out the Demo Video Here: https://digitalmarketinghacks.net/smartengage Because the bottom line is...the more eyes you have seeing your messages, the more money you make! And today, a BREAKTHROUGH autoresponder has been released to the masses which allows you to do EXACTLY that. This new platform seamlessly combines Email with Facebook Messenger, & Web Push notifications in a completely integrated and centralized dashboard so that you can take your online profits to the next level . Introducing SmartEngage! Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Import Unlimited Lists Unlimited Email Marketing Campaigns Unlimited Facebook Messenger Marketing via Chatbots Unlimited Web Push Notifications Cross-Channel Conversion Tracking Facebook Integrations for Mobile Lead Ads Facebook Comment Autoreply Bots Never Before Seen Cross-Channel Hybrid Opt-In Forms ....and much more! You can now harness the power of the 3 most powerful marketing channels in existence in a way that is seamless, interconnected, and universally tracked under one dashboard! Email, Facebook Messenger, and Web Push Notifications 1. Email is still KING when it comes to long term communication and relationship building. 2. Facebook Messenger gets the highest open rates to date which produces amazing segmentation. 3. Web Push Notifications allow you to reach your subscribers no matter what website they are viewing with amazing click rates. Check out the demo video here: https://digitalmarketinghacks.net/smartengage SmartEngage is the first and only platform which allows for seamless integration across these 3 powerful and profitable marketing channels under one roof . AND... The best part is that SmartEngage is currently running a 14 Day Free Trial so you can give it a Zero Risk Test Drive. Check it out here Claim Your 14-Day Free Trial: https://digitalmarketinghacks.net/smartengage You won't be disappointed! See you on the inside! P.S. There has never been anything like this on the market and now you get to be among the first to build the most powerful subscriber list possible.]
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